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Noah H. Kushlefsky
Partner, Kreindler
On the first day she was appointed by Attorney General Eric Holder to oversee the Zadroga Act's September 11 Victim Compensation Fund, Special Master Sheila Birnbaum contacted Kreindler & Kreindler partner Noah Kushlefsky to discuss the complicated legal and practical issues involved in the administration of the Fund. The two-hour closed-door meeting was comprehensive and productive. Noah has been described by Birnbaum as being influential during the wake of 9/11 in the development of the methodology for the original Victim Compensation Fund, also known as VCF1.
Noah Kushlefsky has advocated on behalf of 9/11 victims and their families for longer than 20 years. Many of Noah's clients have been diagnosed with cancer since working at Ground Zero, and he undertook representing them after other law firms had turned these responders away because their illnesses were not then included in the Zadroga Act. However, additional illnesses and cancers have been added to the list of covered diagnoses, so later deadlines do exist and may be applicable based on the illness and other individual circumstances. It will be helpful to discuss your situation or a loved one’s specific illness with an expert attorney familiar with each of the different deadlines. To date, Noah has helped recover more than $4 billion for victims of the terror attacks and those killed or injured during the rescue and recovery at Ground Zero.
Attorney Noah Kushlefsky honored by FealGood Foundation, September 16, 2017.
Subsequent to the terrorist attacks, Noah established himself as one of the nation's leading experts on the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, representing thousands of families in the VCF. He has been credited with creating the methodology used by the VCF in rescue worker death cases and has lectured extensively on the VCF. Noah was invited to present at Lloyd's in London regarding the fund as an alternative to litigation. He was also appointed by the Virginia Attorney General's Office to specially represent its interests in federal court litigation related to the Victim Compensation Fund. He was recently appointed Special Counsel by Southern District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein to resolve a conflict of interest in the World Trade Center Disaster Site Litigation.
In 2014 and 2017 Noah was honored by the 9/11 First Responders' education and advocacy organization, The Fealgood Foundation. The Fealgood Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides direct financial assistance to first responders and their families and awards grants to 501c3 organizations that support 9/11 first responders.
About Kreindler
Kreindler & Kreindler LLP (www.kreindler.com) is one of the leading transportation, environmental and consumer advocate law firms in the country. Founded in 1950, Kreindler maintains offices in New York, Boston and Los Angeles. Long regarded as the first and most prominent aviation law firm in the nation, in recent years Kreindler has been at the forefront of the litigation surrounding the World Trade Center Victim Compensation Fund, the BP Oil Spill Disaster and the NFL Concussion litigation. Billions of dollars in client settlements and recoveries is evidence of our dedicated work ethic representing our clients throughout investigation, discovery and litigation.