Non-melanoma skin cancer — 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Law Firm

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Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer

The 9/11 Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Connection

Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common type of cancer throughout the world. Although it is most often associated with ongoing exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays in sunlight, those who came in contact with toxins released during the WTC attack are statistically at a high risk also. Because of the typical latency period of most cancers, symptoms may not have appeared until years after the initial physical exposure to the toxins that filled the air on that fateful day. According to the WTC Health Program, non-melanoma skin cancer has a minimum latency period of 4 years.  

About Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer

Non-melanoma skin cancer is not as aggressive or as serious as melanoma skin cancer, which occurs less frequently. There are two main varieties of non-melanoma skin cancer. 80% of the cases are known as Basal Cell Carcinoma, and most of the remainder are known as Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Overall, over 3 million people in the United States are diagnosed with some form of skin cancer each year. There is an increased risk for skin cancer for those over 50 with fair skin, blond or red hair, blue eyes, and freckles. Weakened immune systems have also been found to be a factor. Those who have been diagnosed with skin cancer in the past also have a 35-50% greater chance of getting it again.

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Symptoms

Cancerous and pre-cancerous skin conditions most often include red or brown scaly patches on the skin. However they can also present as a bleeding or oozing sore; a shiny pink or white bump on the skin, a white or yellow scar-like mark, or a wart-like growth. Since some types of skin cancer occur along nerves, itching, pain, numbness or tingling on the skin can be felt in these cases.

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Treatment & Prognosis

9/11 non-melanoma skin cancer is often curable, though the prognosis in each case depends on a number of factors, including the age and general health of the patient, how far the cancer has progressed, and the location of the skin cancer. Treatment is often a matter of surgically removing the tumor and surrounding tissue. This is generally a simple procedure, with no additional treatment needed. Radiation, lasers, topical chemotherapy, and cryotherapy (freezing the tumor), can also effectively destroy cancerous cells. Although skin cancer treatment has made great strides, in the general population, about 2,000 people per year do not survive their non-melanoma skin cancer.

Actual Compensation Results for a Client

A NYC Department of Correction Officer and Kreindler client suffering from skin cancer received a $250,000 award from the VCF.

Attorneys On Your Side

If you have a diagnosis of non-melanoma skin cancer that you believe may be related to 9/11, click or call the Kreindler 9/11 VCF team at 877-505-0090 for helpful answers about your eligibility for compensation.